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zhejiang jianfeng international trade co., ltd
[ Company Information ]
The main scope of our business includes the storage of bonded goods, common goods and cargo. We act as agency for customs declaration, commodity inspection and insurance. Additionally, we are an importer and exporter of a variety of commodities and technology, acting in accordance with the restrictions and prohibitions laid down by the Chinese government.

Our business covers the processing and assembling of buyer-supplied materials, and other supplied materials, drawings and samples. Other wings of our multi-faceted operation include compensation trade, counter trade and entrepot trade.

Currently the products we primarily deal in are metals, minerals, machinery, textiles, apparel, products for sports and entertainment, security and protection, the list is almost endless. On the one hand we import steel and plastic materials and mechanical equipment in large quantities, and on the other, we export our vast array of products to more than 200 countries and regions throughout the world.

Our company utilizes an exclusive public bonded warehouse for central and western Zhejiang province and modern IT systems in its daily operation as we attempt to develop international trade and logistics. For this very task we have a professional and highly skilled team of individuals knowledgeable in matters concerning international trade, finance and the law. They work diligently and observe our company motto, which is: 'Be outward-looking, honest, law abiding, and face the world and future positively'.
[ Main Business ]
we can offer to sell pharma raw material, and many other product.
zhejiang jianfeng international trade co., ltd
Contact Person:
Ms  tammy tian
Zip code:
bayi road,jinhua,zhejiang,China
Web Site:
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