Aluminum Tread Plate
2023/12/22 20:51:00 |
Alloy: 1100, 1050, 1060, etc.
Temper: H114, H134, H154, H174, etc.
Thickness (mm): 0.5~6.0
Width (mm): 1000~1600
Pattern: 3 bars, 5 bars
Adopt standard: GB/T 3618, Q/EL 432
Application: For vehicle, building, decoration, mechanism, etc.
Free s... |
[China] Chongqing Meifan Metal Material Co., Ltd. |
Medical instrument series
2023/12/22 20:51:00 |
Specializing in the production of medical devices of titanium, nickel, zirconium, nb and ta and its alloy, and other special metal materials: pharmaceutical machinery, medical equipments, surgical instruments, implants, etc.... |
[China] Baoji Tianbang Titanium & Nickel co., Ltd. |
2023/12/22 20:51:00 |
閾炬潯寮忚緭閫佺綉甯?鍏锋湁鑹ソ鐨勮€愯厫铓€銆佽€愮(鎹熴€佽€愰珮娓╃瓑鎬ц兘銆傚湪璐熸俯鍜岄珮娓╀笅鍏锋湁婊℃剰鐨勬姉鍐风缉銆佹姉姘у寲銆佹姉鏂鎬ц兘銆傝璁″悎鐞嗐€佺粨鏋勭揣鍑戙€佽鏍煎銆佸畨瑁呮柟渚裤€佽繍琛屽彲闈犵瓑浼樼偣銆?骞挎硾鐢ㄤ簬鐢靛瓙宸ヤ笟銆佺幓鐠冨巶銆佷华鍣ㄧ儤骞层€佹鑳跺巶绛?Submit=Submit... |
[China] Anping Huakang metal wirebelt factory |
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